
Friday, December 4, 2009

Perinatologist Appt

So at my ultrasound the Wednesday before Thanksgiving the radiologist noticed that the kidneys were dialted/enlarged and that the bladder was shaped like a key hole. What that means I couldnt' tell you. We were referred to see a perinatologist to have a Level II ultrasound done so they could look more closely and in depth at the kidneys. Yes, this is ultrasound #8 I have had!! The DR we saw was very very nice and explained things easily to us. The DR did say that this is more common in boys then girls but it is nothing to freak out about right now. Both kidneys measured about 5cm bigger then what they should. During the ultrasound they didn't see anything obstructing or blocking the kidneys or ureters. During the ultrasound they checked a couple times to make sure the bladder was emptying, which it was so that is a good sign and there was no key whole shape today. The DR also said that normally after delivery 50% of babies with dialted kidneys regulate themselves and nothing needs to be done. If after delivery the kidneys are still dialted/enlarged then it would require surgical correction. I have to go back to see the perinatologist in a month to have another ultrasound done to check the fluid levels around the baby and to measure the kidneys again. She said that if they are still dialated at this time that she would refer us to a pediatric urologist to talk about what needs to happen after delivery. This does not put me at high risk which is a good thing. They said he weighs about 4lbs 10oz right now. With all the measurements they took, he is measuring at about 9 days bigger then my due date, which if something does surgically need to be done this is a good thing b/c they would want him to be as big as possible for surgery. I will still be seeing my regular OB DR along with the perinatologist once in a while to check and make sure things are still ok. They also noticed that he was doing fetal breathing which means that he was practicing his breathing, what an overachiever he already is!! He was still head down but face down this time and did not want us to see his face. My next appt with my DR is actually this Tuesday so we will see what she has to say. Jared and I have our first birthing class tomorrow at Methodist Hospital so that should be interesting. I am intrigued to see what we will be doing and how things will go. We have it two Saturday mornings and tomorrow is one of two. I am most excited for the tour of Labor and Delivery at Methodist since I have never been there before. Other then that we are just anxiously waiting for Michelle and Christopher to come as they arrive on Monday and it has been a year since we have seen them!!! My sister who is 6 weeks further along then I am seems to be ready to go and deliver at anytime so I may have a new nephew by next weekend!!


  1. Wow, Melissa... on the one hand, the news isn't so bad, but when it's your child you're carrying, it seems so huge. David had a lot of birth issues (his apgar was 1) and later showed signs his head might not grow (it grew), and it's amazing how those kinds of details matter with our kids.

    I'm praying for you all today. I hope with you for great news :-)

  2. Thanks Pete! I agree that it is amazing how resilient kids are and how things seem to work themselves out and that is all that Jared and I can pray and hope for!
