
Friday, November 6, 2009


No worries everything is fine!!! I had the pleasure of drinking the amazing orange sugar drink for my one hour glucose test and I bombed!!! My level was at 167 and my sister Julie told me that the cut off is normally around 140ish. So yeah, I really failed! Now I get the pleasure of drinking it AGAIN, and sitting in the lab lobby for 3 hours. I was instructed that I could not leave the lab to even go up and sit at my desk for work which is only 2 floors up!! This is going to be a blast. Not only do I have to sit there for 3 hours but I have to fast for 12 hours before also!!! Who honestly thinks a 28 week pregnant woman can go 12 hours without eating, seriously! The good thing is that my appt is at 7:30 in the morning! I may just go to bed at 8pm next monday night so I don't have to even think about how I can't eat anything. My hemoglobin was fine at 13.8.

I have been very lucky as I have not had any complications or problems with the pregnancy, up until now! This past Saturday night Jared and I actually went to the hospital to be put on the monitor. I was not feeling the little guy move as much as he normally does. I felt him Wed and a little bit on Thurs. I did not feel him at all on Friday or Saturday. I hesitated calling my doctor because I didn't want to be one of those first time pregnant mothers who freaks out over every little thing and thinks that every little thing is wrong with me. I called my sister Julie and my aunt Nicolle before calling my doctor to see what they thought and they both told me to call. I tried drinking orange juice and mountain dew along with poking the little guy to try to get him move. Go figure that once I got there and on the monitor he started moving! Stubbornness once again prevails!! I don't mean oh I feel a little kick here and there. I mean like full out body jabs like hello, I am here! With all the sugar I drank he had to be on a sugar overdose! The nurse was very nice and she found the heart beat right away and affirmed that it was probably just the position he moved into. Now he has been moving around just fine and even keeping me up sometimes at night.

Jared and I registered at babies r us the other weekend and holy cow! I preemptively apologize for the "big boy" toys on there like the Imaginext Batcave!!! Needless to say by the end he was anxious to get over to the "fun" toys!!! He actually scanned every single item as I did not touch the scanner once the whole time we were there. There are some things that we still need to get on there as Jared was wisked away to 2nd row Wild Hockey tickets that he couldn't pass up! It was really fun to register and we are looking forward to heading to Target to get that done too. That's all the exciting news for now!


  1. Hey Melissa, I just noticed you have a blog - I love baby blogs! If it makes you feel any better, when I got admitted to the hospital on bed rest at 25 weeks, they withheld food AND water from me until I delivered because they were afraid I would be needing an emergency c-section - well it ended up being 3 whole days without food or water! You did not want to be around me! :)

    Hope your next test goes better!

  2. Good luck with the 3 hour glucose test. I had gestational diabetes with both Chloe and Aidan, but was able to control it with diet. You figure out pretty quickly what you can and can't eat and what portion sizes. In the end it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. You'll do great! Are you having a baby shower? I can't wait to see what Jared registered for!

  3. Good luck with the 3 hour test, I too had to endure it after failing the 1 hour(but then hopefully you get good results)My best advice is take a good book and have a snack ready and waiting for when you're test is done, because you'll be starving. OH yeah and I made sure to indulge in ice cream and dessert after the test before the results just in case the results were back and those treats were not allowed anymore :)

  4. Megan I am for sure taking your advice and bringing some candy that I can munch on before I get the results! I brought a book to my one hour one and I was going stir crazy sitting there reading so I am not sure what I am going to do for 3 hours!!! Jared has said from day one that I shouldn't drink pop and now he is saying "I told you so!"
