
Saturday, July 18, 2009

July Appt Visit

Today we had another appt at the DR's office but was unable see my regular physician as he was on vacation. Jared had decided to come with me today since we were doing another ultrasound and he had not yet heard or seen the heartbeat. This DR was quite busy today so we waited a while for her to come in and talk to us. So finally as she is done asking how I feel, blah blah blah, she asks me to change into a gown so she can do a physical exam. For many of you who know Jared he DISLIKES hospitals and DR's very very much! An example of how much he really hates hospitals is back in Aug 2005, I had emergency surgery after we took our engagement pictures on my wrist b/c of a staff infection. Jared propped a chair up against the wall right outside my room and would turn his head to peak in and talk to me!!! He is in for a rude awakening come delivery day!!! So when she left the room I started laughing b/c the one appt he finally is able to come to I have to get in a gown and have a physical performed in front of him! Needless to say that when she told me to put my feet in the stirrups he put his hands over his eyes and turned away!!! I was never told that I was going to need a physical today otherwise I would have let Jared pass on this appt!!! So we finally got into the ultrasound room to take some measurements to confirm the Jan 30th due date. This was the whole reason I was having another ultrasound today. The DR was having a really hard time getting a good view/picture of the baby to get some measurements but was nice enough to let Jared hear the heartbeat as I made of point of telling her this is why he came today. The heartbeat was in the 160's she said (last time it was 155 so not much difference). Of course, the old wives tale that the faster the heartbeat the more likely it is to be a girl, in which my mother in law would be over the hill with excitement!! I wasn't such a fan of the DR I saw today. She seemed rushed, didn't really try to get a good picture to take measurements, and seemed like she didn't really care about me or baby. My next appt is on Aug 20th which will happily be with my primary DR. Maybe after the next appt there will be more news to report.


  1. I was laughing my butt off when reading about Kdogg propping a chair outside...mmmm yup exact same thing Simon did to me when I was in delivery w/Meghan!!!!!!! ha ha ha

    Hang in there! it will be much nicer when your reg dr is back :)

  2. ok seriously- that little nephew of mine needs to suck it up a little! He can fight in a war and be a police officer but not witness a physical exam?!?!? I can't wait for those nights of puking and blowouts. I'm glad you are tough Melissa so he doesn't get away with not helping on those situations!! Thanks again for the blog! We love being updated!
