
Wednesday, July 8, 2009

How we found out and told family....

On May 11th I was having really bad left flank plan that was persisting for some weeks before and finally decided to go to Urgent Care to get checked out mainly because my mother would not stopping calling me unless I went in. The nurse practitioner I saw thought maybe I had a kidney stone stuck in my ureter (tube that connects your kidneys to your bladder). She sent me to the hospital for a CT Scan in which revealed no kidney stone but an Ovarian Cyst on my left ovary which was consist with a Dermoid cyst. I was referred to an OB/GYN specialist who I saw on May 13th for the cyst in which I discussed with her the option of a laparoscopy surgical removal in which I would need to be referred to the Mayo Clinic. A week and a half later I was having really bad abdominal cramping which felt like menstrual cramps, but hadn't had my period since March 28th. I called Mayo to see if I get could in any earlier then my scheduled appt but that was unsuccessful. An appointment was made with my OB/GYN nurse practitioner that I see for my "women" appointments. I got to the clinic on May 29th and she asked if I could be pregnant and of course I said no, considering at urgent care we did a blood and urine test before I went over for my CT scan. Even though I said no, my practitioner wanted to do another test "just in case" and in my head I am thinking, "this is ridiculous, a waste of time and my money!!" So I go to the bathroom, pee in a cup and return to the room. The next thing I know my practitioner is walking in the room holding a white square thing in her hand while smiling and says, "You're Pregnant!" I looked at her with my jaw dropped and said "excuse me?? that isn't possible." I was in complete shock and didn't know what to say so instead I shed some tears! She took me in to do an internal ultrasound to find the gestational sack of cells. My now OB physician came in to find the sack as my nurse practitioner was unable to find it, and noticed that among the sack of cells that my uterus is heart shaped. My DR said that this is nothing to be worried/concerned about and that I am just at a little more risk for pre-term labor or the baby being in a breech position. My physician is going with the first day of my last period of April 28th because of the measurements he took it was more consistent with this time frame compared to March 28th. He also said that conception either happened the day of my CT scan or the day after. I was given the pee test and an ultrasound picture to take home in a biohazard bag still in pure shock!

I didn't believe that I was pregnant so I bought another pregnancy test from Target and took it when I got to my parent's house. Low and behold there were still two pink lines! So I added it to my biohazard bag and threw it in my purse! Jared came to my parent's house to pick me up so we could go out to his parent's house in which Annette was already sleeping and Steve wasn't home. So as we were standing in the entry way I handed Jared the biohazard bag and said "look at this." He didn't know what he was supposed to be looking at but after a couple minutes he was like, "um, are you pregnant?" Needless to say he was in complete shock also! No, we were not specifically trying and mapping out when I was ovulating, but we knew it could be a possibility. Jared didn't say anything for about 30 minutes and then says "can we tell people? Can I call Nicolle and Scott?" We ended up telling both of our parents that same weekend! We told his parent's and Gma Kuyper over brunch on Sunday after church. For some reason Steve really likes to refer to mine and Jared's sex life as our "homework." Even in Mississippi before Jared deployed to Iraq, Steve came up in between us and put his arms around both of our shoulders and asked, "how's the homework coming along?" So Jared thought there would be no better way to tell them then to say "we completed our homework." Both Steve and Annette sat there trying to understand what Jared meant, then he clarified for them saying that Melissa is pregnant! Upon that, it still took about 30 seconds before the squeals came from Annette and her calling Steve grandpa!!! My mom found out because she was talking about a cruise that she found wicked cheap that would be in December and I told her that I wouldn't be able to go because I would 7-8 months pregnant, and I told my dad after church on Sunday telling him that now all his children will have children of their own!


  1. May I be the fist to welcome you to the blogging world! I am so excited that we are able to keep up to date on the bay's progress. Please let us know if there is anything we can do. We are so excited.

    p.s. Jared I made the blog :)

  2. I love it!! Now I can check up on you all the time when you move away from me!! You forgot to mention the part when you threw the ultrsound picture at me at work and wouldn't stop smiling!! I'm so happy for you too!!!

    Another good site is you can create a webpage and get some good advice and ask questions about stuff that is happening.. Clearly, I've never done this, but I've heard from other mommas that its a good site!


  3. You two are homework rockstars! Don't worry about the breech thing -- both Chloe and Bree were breech and they are super fantastically awesome! Heehee! If you have questions, I'm an "old" (hack) pro at the pregnancy/childrearing thing!
