
Monday, January 25, 2010

5 days and counting!!

At my doctor's appt today we set up the big induction day for January 30th!! That is only 5 days away but not nearly soon enough! I tried begging and pleading with the doctor for an earlier date but she didn't want to go any earlier as she wants to avoid a c-section as much as possible and if I were to get induced today or tomorrow it would be a long induction process as I would have to fully efface and dilate which can take quite some time . I am only dilated to 2cm's today and she stripped my membranes so we are hoping that helps speed things up. 2cm is good considering last Thursday I wasn't even 1cm! I am still on bed rest which is making me go crazy but I get another big outing this week as I have my regular BPP/NST on Wednesday. I stayed out a little longer today and got myself a pedicure which should be a requirement before any woman goes into labor!

Jared is getting pretty excited as this is his last week working at the Rosemount Armory and he officially starts in New Hope one week from today! We both couldn't be more excited and happy! Stayed tuned for an update after my appt on Wednesday.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck- I had my membranes stripped and Emily decided to come 3 days later. It was definitely all worth it though as I can't imagine life without her.
