
Wednesday, September 23, 2009


It's a BOY!!!!!! Jared and I went to an appt today with our DR/clinic that we will be sticking with the rest of the time until delivery. (But, just our luck Jared will get a job 3 hours away and we will have to transfer to another hospital all over again!!!) We have decided that we will deliver at St. Francis Regional Medical Center in Shakopee, MN. If you would like to check it out for yourself here is the web link and you can play around on their website.

So as we transfered we were able to get another ultrasound done today in which was done by a radiology tech who was very very nice. She has only worked there 8 months but told us that she has had great success in finding the sex!! She saved the anticipation till the end in which she said that "it" is a boy and showed us the goods!! She was not able to print a picture for us as it is not a diagnostic necessity, but gave us a great view!! I asked how sure she was and she said she saw boy parts in the beginning but didn't want to say anything incase it was a one time occurrence or a view of the umbilical cord. Then she said that she noticed it a couple other times throughout the ultrasound and then at the end when she found it again she way confident. I actually had to get up and walk around for about 10 minutes because she didn't get a very good profile picture and needed to see the nasal bone. Baby was originally fully stretched out, head facing down, and sideways with his butt still sticking up in the air! After our walk baby boy Kuyper moved but only pulled his feet up to his head which didn't help at all what so ever, stubborn? She still had a hard time seeing it and mentioned that the radiologist will not be happy enough with the picture so more then likely next month we will have to go back to see if they can get a better view. Babies heart rate was 139 and was EXTREMELY active!! The rad tech even mentioned that he was being stubborn! Again, big surprise!!

It is actually quite funny that he is a boy because over 80% of our families swore it was going to be a girl. They had the "feeling" that is was a girl! Guess not! It will be really fun having a boy because my oldest sister is due in December with a boy and my brother and his fiance just had a boy in May! They will be the 3 musketeers together at family functions! And I have a cousin on the Jungers' side who is having a boy in December also!!! It's going to be crazy! Now Lucas won't be the only boy on the Brechon side!!! Nora will have to wear her princess crown a little longer on the Jungers' side until someone else decides to have another baby...hint hint MICHELLE LYNN!!!

Jared and I have talked about names. We actually have had names picked out since before we were married! We are not 100% set in stone on them and are open to change if we come across something else. I like Connor and Jared likes Tanner. With either name, the middle name will be Arthur which is Jared's and and his dad's middle name. Sorry if you don't like the names you will just have to deal with it!!! I promise the I will finally put up ultrasound pictures tonight when I go over to my parents to go shopping with my mom! I can't wait b/c now I can actually look specifically at one gender and not just say oh this is cute, that is cute and put it back on the rack!!!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

20 weeks and still waiting...

The "big" appt was on Tuesday but nothing "big" happened. We went back down to Mankato for this appt to have the ultrasound done with my DR. Both Jared and I are glad to be out of there! It was weird going back down there and then leaving again. Everything looks great with baby. Since we were so determined to find out the sex, baby decided to make us wait even longer, stubbornness already!!! Maybe some things really are genetic!! Baby was breech with butt sticking straight up in the air! The umbilical cord was lying just oh so perfectly in between the legs covering up all anatomy to make it impossible to see either way!! The ultrasound was really cool. You could see babies feet tap dancing on my bladder. Which would make since because I feel like I spend more time in the bathroom then I do laying in bed sleeping! Babies heart rate was 148 and weighs 13oz! How can something so tiny be so stubborn already!!! Maybe it's a sign that Jared and I need to prepare. Baby was doing some cute poses with putting the hand on the face and moving fingers and toes around. Jared was too funny during this ultrasound. Dr Larson was down by the anatomy region and Jared and I both thought we say boy parts so Jared promptly says, "whoa, that's a big penis!" My Dr then explained that it was where the umbilical cord attaches to baby and that the untrained eye would assume that! That is then when Larson pointed out the umbilical cord is right in between the legs covering everything up. Needless to say we were really hoping to find out if it was a boy or a girl b/c you can only have so many green and yellow things! It would also make shopping easier and a lot more fun!! When Jared and I left the clinic we promptly went to Taco Bell to eat something spicy in hopes that baby would move if we were able to get back in later that day to do a quick peek with another ultrasound. My DR was a little too busy to get me back in so we are just going to have to wait till next month!

I have now found a DR up here in the cities and will be going there on Oct 13th. They will be repeating an ultrasound because my DR in Mankato didn't get the best look at the heart and would like to take another look when it will be a bigger/easier to see. Baby and I read a book together everyday and have a "talk" after about maybe cooperating at the next appt. We are going to a family wedding the weekend of the 16th, 17th, 18th so it would be fun to be able to tell everyone!

I was laying on the ground the other day on my stomach and thought I felt baby moving. I told Dr Larson about it and he said that if I continue to feel the same movements that it probably is baby moving. Jared asks everyday if I can feel baby moving yet. I think he is a little anxious to be able to feel the baby move too. It might make it a little more "real" to him once he can feel the jabs and punches! At the end of the day, regardless boy or girl, we are happy that baby is healthy and growing.