
Wednesday, July 8, 2009

We're Expecting!!

As most of you know already Jared and I are expecting Baby Kuyper on/or around January 30th, 2010!! It was a surprise to us as well as to much of our family. This will be the first grandchild on the Kuyper's side and the fifth on the Jungers' side staying in true Jungers' fashion as 3 other Jungers' cousins are pregant and all due within 8 weeks of one another! Everyone in both of our families are as excited as Jared and I are!! As of today I am 10 weeks and 5 days and have my next appointment on the 17th. Jared will be able to come with me so he will be able to hear the heart beat!! I heard the heart beat at my last appointment and freely admit that I shed some tears in pure happiness! It still feels sureal as I have not had any sickness (knock on wood), food aversions, or cravings yet. I feel very blessed and lucky because I know how horrible the first trimester can be for some women.

1 comment:

  1. CONGRATULATIONS!!! I am so happy for you both. The Lord bless your family. I know you two will make fun and amazing parents. I'm sure you have plenty of people to ask, but if you have any questions, I would love to share with you any 'don't waste your time on that' or 'must have' and what not. Again, congrats and enjoy this pregnancy time!

