At Connor's 4 month check up he weighed in at 11lbs 10oz (10%) and was 25 inches long (50%). He's long and lanky!!! Everything looked great with him and even though he is only in the 10% for his weight the peditrician says as long as he is on the charts that is all that matters. These days Connor is laughing and giggling away. He has recently decided that he doesn't need to sleep during the day. He is still sleeping through the night with an occasional night of waking up once. We were given the ok to start rice cereal and boy was that interesting. It didn't seem to be the best thing he has ever tasted! I reluctantly sucks it down. At the cabin this past weekend I added some unsweetened applesauce to the cereal and this seemed to make things go down better. We are anxious to try and experiement baby food with him. Well, Jared is more anxious because he likes the fruit! In early June Connor rolled from back to front for the first time and has repeated it only once or twice. According to Jared, Connor enjoys watching ESPN Sportscenter in the morning while Jared gets ready for work. I may have to look into the parental lock feature on our TV b/c having one man obsessed with Sportscenter is enough! When he wakes up in the morning he tends to lay there and talk to himself for an hour or so. He keeps himself occupied with the discovery of his feet and sucking his toes. He still loves to be outside and look at everything in his sight.

We were at the cabin recently and I said rain or shine Connor is going in the lake because he loves bath time so much that I figured he'd love the lake. Sure enough on Saturday afternoon in 68 degree lake water he went in and didn't make a peep! Of the 4 grandchildren up there he was the only one who didn't cry when their foot touched the water!
I don't have my camera with me today so I don't have very many pictures to put on here but here are a few to enjoy for now!!!
This was at Jeffrey and Jill's wedding

Playing on the new playground up at the cabin