Sorry this has taken so long to update but as many of you know these past 6 weeks of maternity have been nothing close to relaxing or dull. Connor Arthur Kuyper was born January 30th, 2010 at 9:03pm and weighed 7lbs 11oz was 21 inches long which = PERFECTION! He scored really well on his Apgar with an 8 and 9. He had quite a bit of hair when he was born but is now starting to lose it. We went in at 7:45am on the 30th to be induced b/c of my high blood pressure. They started pitocin around 9:30am and I started having some contractions. I went in and was only 2cm. Around 2pm my contractions started to decrease so around 3:30 the resident DR tried breaking my water but was not successful. At 6:30pm the DR on call came in to check me in which I was about 5cm and actually broke my water and this is when true labor contractions started. I went about an hour before I got an epidural and man did that feel good. I was going to take a nap but then my blood pressure actually dropped really low and they had to give me drugs to get it back up. This was a reaction from the epidural so they had to turn the epidural off which I wasn't too thrilled about. Around 7:30 I started to feel pressure "down there" so they check me again and I was 9cm!! I went from a 5 to a 9 in one hour! By this time my epidural had completely worn off. The nurse said that takes some people hours upon hours to do so I was pretty happy. We started pushing around 8-8:15 and Connor was born at 9:03 so I only pushed for about 45 minutes. My mom said that my body was made for labor! Jared was great to have in the room with me all day and didn't want to leave in case he would miss some action. He made a comment around 8:45pm to the RN, my mom, and his mom asking if we could hurry this along and be done by 9:15pm b/c the Wild game was on! I commented back jokingly with, "I'll see what I can do" and the other three women almost killed him with death stares! I thought it was pretty funny! Needless to say by 9:15pm we were done and he did not turn the game on b/c he couldn't leave Connor's side!
Connor is now 6 weeks old and smiling up a storm when you talk to him! Dad has no problem taking Connor out of mom's arm to get some quality snuggle time in. He has watched many movies with mom and dad and has even dabbled with the Xbox remote a couple times! He is a VERY good baby and we couldn't be any happier! Connor is a snuggler and could sleep for hours and hours in your arms but wakes up the second you put him down! He does not sleep through the night yet, I wish, but only gets up about every 3-3.5 hours to eat and goes back to bed.
We did go to Children's in mpls and did a Renogram and a VCUG and found out that he has urine reflux. This happens when his bladder is emptying and only about 50% of the urine is expelled and the other 50% goes back up to his kidneys. He does not have to have surgery right now but will need to go back in 10 months to repeat the VCUG and if the reflux stays the same or gets worse then he would need surgery at that time. But for now he is on antibiotics to prevent any infection and is doing just fine.